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Learning, Thinking, and Sharing In Community

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23岁的Ryan Eisenhuth是一名大四的传播学学生,他热爱传播学,也热爱新濠天地app新濠天地app. 他对自己的研究领域充满热情,任何和他在一起的人都能看得出来. 这也体现在他参加的许多课外活动中, 以及他如何与他人分享他在课堂上学到的东西.


Ryan’s papers are titled:

  • “Revitalizing Friendship in the Age of Disruption”
  • “把上帝意象作为内部公共关系的基本假设”
  • “养育至死:当代人与科技关系分析”
  • “桥梁社会资本的消失:弱联系关系在社会疏远世界中的重要性”

Ryan描述了他参加这些会议的动机, “不只是写一篇课堂论文,这是非常鼓舞人心的, but to write papers to share. 在新濠天地app系,新濠天地app被教导说,如果你只是为了一个分数而写作,那你就做错了. 你应该写信为别人服务,这是一个好邻居. I took that very much to heart. 我不会只是写点东西,交上去,然后就做完了,我要和大家分享. 做比最低限度更多的事情是我对这个领域的热爱的一种方式.”

Attending these conferences was encouraging to him. 他说,他周围的人都喜欢和他谈论他所热爱和热衷的事情. 会议提供了与他人分享研究的机会,并向该地区的其他学生和学者学习.

“It was a really great opportunity. 我能够与其他本科生建立联系,并听取其他演讲者的意见,他们已经激发了我未来的研究问题. I had great conversations about my research. 即使他们不同意你的观点,他们也想和你一起思考. Everyone is supportive and passionate about the field.”


52409280348_590e66ae9e_k.jpg除了是一个活跃的学生在传播系, Ryan is also an RA and President of Gold Spire Creative, a media and design club here on campus. 虽然瑞安非常投入,但他一开始对新濠天地app并不感兴趣.

刚开始考虑学校时,瑞安对新濠天地app不感兴趣. 但在他妈妈要求他去探索这所大学之后,他不情愿地参观了校园.

“The second I came to campus I fell in love.”

Ryan描述了他来到校园的那一刻的感觉,尽管他进来的时候是消极的. 瑞安认为,他在新濠天地app的教育不仅仅是为未来的工作打下基础, learning skills, or taking classes.

“我在这里被告知,我是一名基督徒,碰巧是传媒专业的学生, 而不是一个碰巧是基督徒的传媒专业学生. I rethought my entire perspective on education after that. There is a certain sacredness to the work we do here.”

高中时,Ryan对视频制作很感兴趣,想制作YouTube视频. 通过高中的交流俱乐部,他得到了做视频工作的报酬,并且非常喜欢这份工作. 他曾为学校制作和直播工作. 高中时,他参观了一家新闻台,并得到了获得传播学学位的建议, not a video production or film degree, so his education would not be as limited. 瑞安把这个建议牢记在心,这就是他决定主修传播学的原因.


As Ryan has progressed in his education, 他对这个领域和他的课程的热爱不断增长. The more he reads and learns, he says, the more conversations grow out of that, and the deeper he gets into the theory and practice, both of which, he explains, students receive instruction in at Geneva.

他的许多朋友都质疑他为什么要上新濠天地app新濠天地app这样的小学校, especially given his interests. 他说,许多人认为小型学校没有大型学校在这一特定领域的资源.

“People think a small campus means less opportunity. That is not true. 人们问我为什么要去这么小的一所学校. 在新濠天地app,我第一个学期就能接触到相机. I can be president of a club that serves a lot of people. I can go to conferences. There are so many opportunities to grow. 因为它是一个很小的校园,所以比你在一个更大的校园里更容易接触到机会. You get to experience a wide variety of things. 你可以深入了解你的专业,同时与校园的其他部分保持联系和联系. Geneva offers a unique community-building environment. That is a beautiful thing.”

Within the Communication Department, Ryan评论说,教授和同学们都非常鼓舞人心, 这是他为什么在PCA和OCA提交和展示他的研究的一个重要因素. Ryan还评论说,他觉得自己已经准备好了,因为在这个部门,“你会写很多事情…….often.瑞安估计,他每学期每班都要写15-20页的学术奖学金.

此外,Ryan说他们读了很多书,每个班平均一学期读4-6本书. “The books are not just books that apply now, they are books that apply to the whole field, interrelate, and talk about the topics in depth. This has prepared me for a lot of good research practices.“新濠天地app的学生参加严格的学术工作,为他们进一步的教育和工作做好准备.

A unique aspect of the program, he says, is that “I have done so many papers over the years here, and always told to never come up with a topic. Always come up with a question, then let the research direct your topic, answer, and paper, not the other way around. 所有的教授都愿意在你交论文之前和你见面, read it, critique it, 然后把它交上去,这样你就能一直学习并交出你最好的作品.”

“With”是瑞安讲话时不断出现的一个词. Students and professors think with one another, learn with one another, and students are in community with one another.

“The work we do is sacred. 新濠天地app学习的目的是为了与他人交流新濠天地app所学到的东西. That is why we do what we do.”

Oct 25, 2022

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